Hi, I've written an enhanced web GUI(still working on it), using SQL DB from where I pickup the quarantined e-mail data. As each new e-mail is added by the filter app, I trigger a counter that adds a new e-mail address to a separate table and a counter per day to count how many e-mails come in per day for that e-mail address. Also do same for a domain name of that e-mail address to get totals. SQL does all the work using a stored procedure.
But, I can only capture what the filter quarantines.
I'd love to see a more comprehensive counter per e-mail account and domain name. - incoming e-mail count - blocked e-mail count - forwarded on good e-mail count - quarantined e-mail count (this is all I have)
I build a chart based on the daily count so the user can see how traffic fluctuated over time. It is amazing how an account with average 30-50 quarantined spam per day can all of a sudden for a week drop to under 10 spams, and in another month all of a sudden jump for just one day into the hundreds.
But I'm only seeing quarantined.
So would it be possible, and would others also benefit from this?
Basically the filter would do a one-way communication to the quarantine DB or a local file or cache and later written to file. Per email address, per day one record in a counter table for each of the counters. Perhaps call a storedprocedure and just let that do the updating and counting freeing up the Filter's process of it.
It would be great to know the total of good vs. bad e-mails per e-mail account.
Please, others add your comment/support for this feature if you'd like to see it!)