Ok, this was a tricky one, and I should have caught it from your initial post:
yapadu wrote:
They are using some type of rate limit (I think they just started doing this recently), when you go over the limit you get this:
451-The server has reached its limit for processing requests from your host. 451 Please try again later. |
Note how the initial reply line (the initial reply is the one that matters) has the digits 451 followed by a dash and then a description. From RFC 2821, which is the standard to which all SMTP server *must* abide to, the following section states:
2.4 General Syntax Principles and Transaction Model
SMTP commands and replies have a rigid syntax. All commands begin with a command verb. All Replies begin with a three digit numeric code. In some commands and replies, arguments MUST follow the verb or reply code. Some commands do not accept arguments (after the verb), and some reply codes are followed, sometimes optionally, by free form text. In both cases, where text appears, it is separated from the verb or reply code by a space character.
This means that hostgator's server is in violation of RFC, as the response should have been:
451 The server has reached its limit for processing requests from your host.
With a [space] instead of the [-] after the 451. The second line in orange that they output: 451 Please try again later. does have, correctly, a space, but that is too late, as it is the line above that is considered the reply, and it does not follow RFC. At that point, the reply is invalid as it does not contain a valid numeric code, and thus SpamFilter does not recognize the 451 as such.
------------- Roberto Franceschetti
http://www.logsat.com" rel="nofollow - LogSat Software
http://www.logsat.com/sfi-spam-filter.asp" rel="nofollow - Spam Filter ISP