Hi, I have a list in my authorized to emails file as follows:
*@domain1.com *@domain2.com nam1@mydom.com nam1@mydom2.com nam1@mydom3.com nam2@mydom.com nam2@mydom2.com nam2@mydom3.com nam3@mydom.com nam3@mydom2.com nam3@mydom3.com
when i send an email to anyothername@mydom3.com it should reject, right? I can see in the log: EmailTO is not in AuthorizedTOEmail list... BUT when I follow the SMTP conversation the rejection comes later. A typical SMTP conversation should by
helo abc.abc.com OK mail from:<validemail@validdomain.com> OK rcpt to:<doesntexist@domain.com> REJECTION here
however, what I am seeing is that after the 'rcpt to' i get OK
which of course is not right.
Which of my settings is causing this?
The log shows: 01/16/12 00:48:53:513 -- (2244) Detected TCP Connection: 70.99.xxx.xxx 01/16/12 00:48:53:513 -- (2244) Connection from: 70.99.xxx.xxx - Originating country : United States 01/16/12 00:48:53:700 -- (2244) Received MAIL FROM: <xxxx@tbcmg.com> 01/16/12 00:48:53:778 -- (2244) Received RCPT TO: xxxxx@xxxflorida.com 01/16/12 00:48:53:794 -- (2244) - EmailTO is not in AuthorizedTOEmail list... 01/16/12 00:48:53:794 -- (2244) 70.99.xxx.xxx - Mail from: xxxx@tbcmg.com To: xxxx@xxxflorida.com will be rejected 01/16/12 00:48:54:403 -- (2244) Start virus scan 01/16/12 00:48:54:450 -- (2244) Starting bayesian procedures 01/16/12 00:48:54:544 -- (2244) Blacklist cache - Added 70.99.xxx.xxx to limbo 01/16/12 00:48:54:778 -- (2244) SFDB - Added 70.99.xxx.xxx - Response: Error=0 01/16/12 00:48:54:778 -- (2244) Disconnect
I'd like Spamfilter, to disconnect the session when the recipient is invalid (assuming it's the only invalid recipient in the rcpt to list)
Thanks in advance for your pointers.
The spamfilter version I am