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Quarantine delete timing

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 05 February 2025 at 5:48am

Topic: Quarantine delete timing
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Quarantine delete timing
Date Posted: 04 June 2003 at 8:04pm

Is there a way to bypass the quarantine delete timer on a per email address basis. While I want most of the quarantined email to be deleted on a 2-3 day time frame, I have some users who don't always check their emails often. Sometimes they are out of town and don't have access to the internet. So if it was possible to have an option or method of overriding the default setting on the server so that lets say that for userA their quarantined email is either not dumped or is dumped at what ever time frame is set while all other accounts are cleared every three days. This would be a handy feature to have for vacationers or travelers while at the same time keeping the database size within limits.


Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 04 June 2003 at 10:06pm


The idea is a good one, but is not that easy to implement efficiently at the moment. The delete query can be very cumbersome on a database with millions of records, and modifying it to handle users with different expiration dates would currently be extremely inefficient.

Let us think for a bit on this one...

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 04 June 2003 at 10:36pm

I noticed while looking in the database that I have three items that show up in the database on the SQL server but do not show up in the admin manager. Also noticed that the reject decription is blank and has a reject code of 0. These these messages were the password email that is sent to a new registered user. Does the SQL database delete the email record after a message is sent? I would hope so or the database will grow forever. I currently have 18142 records in the database and from what I can tell the records of emails deleted or sent are still in the database. If I am guessing correctly these would be deleted when the valuse in the "Number of days to store quarantined emails" is reached. Is this correct? If this is so, does the database reindex the ID fields at the same time?

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 04 June 2003 at 10:54pm

Almost correct. We made it a bit more efficient than that.

Each quarantine record has, among others, the fields Expire and Deliver.

When, using the GUI or using the web interface, an email is selected to be delivered, the Deliver field in the quarantine for that record is set to true.

When a user registers on the web interface to access the quarantine, the webserver needs to send them an email with the password. Rather than asking admins to install an SMTP component on the webserver, we choose to use SpamFilter to send the email... so a new quarantine record is created (with a blank reject ID..) and it's Deliver field is set to true.

SpamFilter has two timers (there's many more... but only two apply here). One clicks every 10 seconds, the other every hour.

The 10-second timer checks every 10 seconds all records in the database that have Deliver=1 and delivers all of them them. When a record is delivered, its Expire value is set to true.

Every hour the hourly timer does (among other tasks) two things. It finds all records in the Quarantine that have passed the max retention period, and sets their Expire field to true (don't forget that there may be already a handful of records with Expire=true already because they have been delivered by the 10-second timer). It then deletes all records that have Expire=true.

So... expired items will be deleted and cleaned up at hourly intervals. least in theory. That's why it's a beta! If it doesn't behave as the theory thinks, please let us know since it's a bug!

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 04 June 2003 at 11:10pm
OK, then that being so, all emails not resolved either by the user hitting the delete button or the send button will not be deleted. Correct? Or are they still set to be deleted when the retention value is reached?

Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 04 June 2003 at 11:18pm

If by "not resolved" you mean that nobody (admins using GUI or end user) does anything to those records, then correct, they will be deleted when retesnsion is reached.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 05 June 2003 at 4:14am

Everything is working great. Files are being deleted from the database on time. It turned out that it was a permissions issue. Rebuilt the udl file and used it instead of ODBC. No more SQL errors.


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