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Future Statistics Improvements suggestion?

Printed From: LogSat Software
Category: Spam Filter ISP
Forum Name: Spam Filter ISP Support
Forum Description: General support for Spam Filter ISP
Printed Date: 12 March 2025 at 4:31pm

Topic: Future Statistics Improvements suggestion?
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Future Statistics Improvements suggestion?
Date Posted: 09 June 2003 at 4:23am

Are you considering improving or adding some more features to the statistics option?

I’ll explain:

Sometimes there’s a need to analyze which is the highest bombing source.

I’m having trouble analyzing the log as it is now because it doesn’t have a single line per thread.

If you had an IP statistics, like you have with the originating country, this would be a very helpful tool – it could be used to block it on the router before it gets to the mail relay.




Posted By: LogSat
Date Posted: 09 June 2003 at 1:27pm

We'll consider it, it's a good idea!

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

Posted By: Desperado
Date Posted: 09 June 2003 at 6:32pm

Just a thought .... I use "SawMill" to parse logs and the company made a custom "parse filter template" for me after I sent a sample of the SpamFilter Log files. You can actually make your own templates after you see and understand what they are doing.

 The program isn't real cheap but it gives a good bang for the buck.

Dan S.

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