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Direct Link To This Post Topic: SpamFilter is officially released
    Posted: 28 June 2009 at 1:52pm
We have officially released the new SpamFilter ISP and SpamFilter Enterprise v4.1.2.811. This release is available for download in the registered user area of our website. A free Evaluation copy is also available for all other users.

As always, this upgrade is free for all users with a current software maintenance.

In addition to a series of bug fixes, this releases features a new filter that resolves to IPs all URLs embedded in emails, and then performs a lookup of those IPs in the MAPS RBL blacklists. This release also includes support for SMTP Authentication for the Apple iPhone and Mac OS X's

Following is the full list of additions/fixes since the previous official release

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Regression error present in build only - sometimes the trailing tags in the various whitelists/blacklists could cause incorrect tags to be applied to other filter's blacklist/whitelists}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Added support to spepcify multiple RegEx expressions separated by commas, just as regular keywords can be separated by commas - has the effect of specifying "AND" rules for RegEx. Note that a "Standard non-RegEx keyword must be specified first for SpamFilter to recognize this syntax. For example: X-SF,([a-z]), ([0-9])    }
{TODO -cNew : Added support ::NEGATE suffix in blacklist keywords - causes a MATCH if the keyword is NOT present, or causes a MISMATCH if the keyword IS present}
{TODO -cFix : Removed ability to scan for text and images in PDFs files due to instability of PDF library}
{TODO -cFix : Replaced memory manager used by compiler as the old one could cause (very rarely) crashes in SpamFilter without any errors being logged in the activity logs}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Loops in the "redirect" mechanism of an SPF record could cause SpamFilter to crash}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : A documentation bug in the new PDF library caused a "Trial Expired" popup to appear when scanning PDF files due to incorrect licensing activation procedure}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Prevented the MX record filter form failing when the DNS server replies with an error with the following event being logged: Invalid MX record - DNS Server Reports Query Server Error}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Fixed Access Violation errors when handling certain types of PDF files. Updated PDF library used by compiler which now uses external DLLs for PDF functionality}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : The IPCacheBlacklist was incorrectly blocking IPs that were a substring of an existing entry - ex if the cache contained, the IP was being incorrectly blocked as well}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : The antivirus plugin is not blocking emails for whitelisted recipients (via autowhitelistforce-delivery or "Whitelisted Email TO")}
{TODO -cFix : Drastically improved SpamFilter ISP "standard" load time by a factor of x1000 when first importing large list of local domain names (10,000+ entries) }
{TODO -cNew : Skipping the addition to the AutoWhiteListForceDelivery of entries where the mail_from = rcpt_to emails to reduce the chance of inadvertently whielisting all emails with a fake "from" address matching the recipient}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Added support for SMTP Authentication for Apple iPhone and Mac}
{TODO -cNew : created new filter that resolves to IPs all URLs embedded in emails, and then performs a lookup of those IPs in the MAPS RBL blacklists}
{TODO -cFix : Attempt to solve customer-reported issue that in very rare cases could cause high CPU when attempting and failing to download antivirus def file: NvcMacro.def}
Roberto Franceschetti

LogSat Software

Spam Filter ISP
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