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SpamFilter is officially released

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    Posted: 28 May 2015 at 11:22pm
We have officially released the new SpamFilter ISP and SpamFilter Enterprise v4.7.0.136. This release is available for download in the registered user area of our website. A free Evaluation copy is also available for all other users. 

As always, this upgrade is free for all users with a current software maintenance.

The changes since the latest official release (v4.7.0.126) are as follows:

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Attempted to fix SpamFilter freezes that seem to occurr after several of these errors have been logged: Listen Exception occurred: Socket Error # 10054 -- Connection reset by peer}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : SpamFilter could crash under a DDOS attack with malformed packet sequences during the initial TCP handshake process}
{TODO -cFix : In cases of high numbers of concurrent SMTP connections, we significantly lowered the CPU usage by SpamFilter's service when the separate new GUI was running as well}
{TODO -cNew : Added support for PFS (Perfect Forward Security) ciphers in SSL/TLS}
{TODO -cNew : Added the new SSLCipherList parameter in the SpamFilter.ini file to allow customization of the TLS/SSL ciphers that SpamFilter will support}
{TODO -cNew : Added the new DisableSSLv3=1 parameter in the SpamFilter.ini to specifically disable SSLv3 support.}
{TODO -cNew : The existing parameter DisableTLSv1_0=0 now only disables TLS v1.0, it does not disable SSLv3 as well like it did in previous versions }

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Added to the logfile the filename and threadID for each email that will be processed in the re-delivery queue"}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Added more details when exceptions are logged in the activity logfile}
{TODO -cFix : Changed the way stagnant/lingering SMTP connections are disconnected making it more reliable, and removed the now unneeded IdleDisconnectMinutesTimeout and TerminateIdleThreadsFrequency parameters in the SpamFilter.ini file}
{TODO -cNew : Added to the logfile the email address causing the rejection for "EmailTO is not in AuthorizedTOEmail list"}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Re-added external madExcept exception handling to automate creation of reports for crashes}
{TODO -cNew : Added the logging of full stack traces during Exceptions to help determine location of the errors}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cFix : Improved the reliability of the delivery of the NDR (non-delivery receipts) in case the destination SMTP server is experiencing temporary issues and is either offline or replies with SMTP error codes in the 400 range}
{TODO -cFix : Removed these items from the SpamFilter.ini files: QueueIfDestinationError400, QueueIfDestinationError500, DoNotQueueIfReadTimeout and replaced them with similar entries with slightly different names and these default values: QueueIfDestinationError4xy=1, QueueIfDestinationError5xy=0, DoQueueIfReadTimeout=1 as a bug in a previous version may have caused the value for QueueIfDestinationError400 to get inverted, so we're replacing them all just in case}

// New to VersionNumber = '';
{TODO -cNew : Added option in SpamFilter.ini file (ExportIPCachesToDiskIntervalMinutes=0) to optionally flush to disk in the \SpamFilter\Domains directory 3 files with the contents of the list of IPs currently in memory for the IP Cache Blacklist, Limbo and GreyList. Set the interval in minutes for how often to export these lists, or enter 0 to disable.}
{TODO -cNew : Added the logging for output of the remote SMTP server when it accepts an email that was delivered}

Edited by LogSat - 28 June 2015 at 9:47am
Roberto Franceschetti

LogSat Software

Spam Filter ISP
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