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Problem sending inital registration email

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corymckee View Drop Down

Joined: 10 June 2007
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Points: 31
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    Posted: 19 June 2007 at 12:56pm

All of my users are complaning that they do not get their registration emails. I even tried to choose the "Forgot Password" and this was unsuccessful. I ran a check on the database and (dont know if its related) this is what it showed.

please wait...
Found tblQuarantine
Found tblMsgs
Found tblRejectCodes
Found tblLogins
Found tblServers
tbl_FilterSettingsPresent - not found
tbl_LocalDomainsPresent - not found
tblBL_AttachmentsPresent - not found
tblBL_CountriesPresent - not found
tblBL_DomainsPresent - not found
tblBL_EmailsFromPresent - not found
tblBL_EmailsToPresent - not found
tblBL_HoneypotblockedIPsPresent - not found
tblBL_HoneypotEmailsPresent - not found
tblBL_IPsPresent - not found
tblBL_KeywordsPresent - not found
tblBL_MAPSPresent - not found
tblBL_SURBLPresent - not found
tblReloadTableInfoPresent - not found
tblWL_AuthorizedTOEmailsPresent - not found
tblWL_AutoWhitelistForceDeliveryPresent - not found
tblWL_DomainsIPsPresent - not found
tblWL_EmailsFromPresent - not found
tblWL_EmailsToPresent - not found
tblWL_KeywordsPresent - not found
Some Enterprise Database tables not found - recreating...
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_domains') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_domains]
create table [dbo].[tblbl_domains] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [domainname] varchar(255),
  constraint [pk_tblbl_domains_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_emailsfrom') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]
create table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [email] varchar(320),
  constraint [pk_tblbl_emailsfrom_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_emailsto') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]
create table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [email] varchar(320),
  constraint [pk_tblbl_emailsto_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_maps') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_maps]
create table [dbo].[tblbl_maps] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [server] varchar(255),
  [reverseip] bit default 1,
  constraint [pk_tblbl_maps_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_keywords') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]
create table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [keywords] varchar(1024),
  constraint [pk_tblbl_keywords_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_attachments') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]
create table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [attachments] varchar(1024),
  constraint [pk_tblbl_attachments_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_surbl') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]
create table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [server] varchar(320),
  constraint [pk_tblbl_surbl_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_ips') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_ips]
create table [dbo].[tblbl_ips] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [ip] varchar(15),
  constraint [pk_tblbl_ips_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_honeypotemails') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]
create table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [email] varchar(320),
  constraint [pk_tblbl_honeypotemails_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]
create table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [ip] varchar(15),
  constraint [pk_tblbl_honeypotblockedips_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_countries') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_countries]
create table [dbo].[tblbl_countries] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [countrycode] varchar(2),
  constraint [pk_tblbl_countries_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]
create table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [email] varchar(320),
  constraint [pk_tblwl_authorizedtoemails_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_keywords') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]
create table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [keywords] varchar(1024),
  constraint [pk_tblwl_keywords_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_emailsfrom') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]
create table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [email] varchar(320),
  constraint [pk_tblwl_emailsfrom_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_emailsto') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]
create table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [email] varchar(320),
  constraint [pk_tblwl_emailsto_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]
create table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [email] varchar(320),
  constraint [pk_tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_domainsips') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]
create table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [loginid] int default 0,
  [domain_or_ip] varchar(255),
  constraint [pk_tblwl_domainsips_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblreloadtableinfo') drop table [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo]
create table [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [tablename] varchar(45),
  [updatetable] bit default 1,
  constraint [pk_tblreloadtableinfo_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tbl_filtersettings') drop table [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings]
create table [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainid] int default 0,
  [bl_domainsforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [bl_emailsfromforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [bl_emailstoforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [bl_countriesforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [bl_mapsforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [bl_keywordsforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [bl_attachmentsforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [bl_surblforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [bl_ipsforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [bl_honeypotemailsforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [rejectnoreverseforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [rejectnomxforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [spffilterenableforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [rejectemptymailfromforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [rejectsametofromdomainforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [rejectsametofromforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [sfdbforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [maxrcpt_toforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [authorizedtoforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [antivirusforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [imageforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [surblforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [bayesianfilterenable] bit default 1,
  [bayesianforcedelete] bit default 0,
  [spffilterenable] bit default 1,
  [spfneutralfilter] bit default 0,
  [spfsoftfailfilter] bit default 1,
  [spffailfilter] bit default 1,
  [allowpercent] bit default 0,
  [tagspam] bit default 0,
  [tagspamsubject] bit default 0,
  [tagspamandquarantine] bit default 0,
  [rejectnoreverse] bit default 1,
  [rejectnomx] bit default 1,
  [rejectemptymailfrom] bit default 0,
  [rejectsametofrom] bit default 0,
  [rejectsametofromdomain] bit default 0,
  [enableipcacheblacklist] bit default 1,
  [autowhitelistforcedeliveryenabled] bit default 1,
  [minmaps] int default 1,
  [maxsubjectspaces] int default 10,
  [spamimagethreshold] int default 10,
  [sfdb_networkreliability] int default 3,
  [sfdb_filtersall] bit default 1,
  [sfdb_filterslist] varchar(255),
  constraint [pk_tbl_filtersettings_id] primary key  ([id]),
-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tbl_localdomains') drop table [dbo].[tbl_localdomains]
create table [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] (
  [id] int not null identity,
  [domainname] varchar(255),
  [destsmtpserver] varchar(255),
  [destsmtpserverport] int,
  [usedefaults] bit not null default 1,
  constraint [pk_tbl_localdomains_id] primary key  ([id]),
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([loginid])
create  index [domainname] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([domainname])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([loginid])
create  index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([email])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([loginid])
create  index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([email])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([loginid])
create  index [server] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([server])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]([loginid])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]([loginid])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([loginid])
create  index [server] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([server])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([loginid])
create  index [ip] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([ip])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([loginid])
create  index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([email])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([loginid])
create  index [ip] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([ip])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([loginid])
create  index [countrycode] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([countrycode])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([loginid])
create  index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([email])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]([loginid])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([loginid])
create  index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([email])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([loginid])
create  index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([email])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([loginid])
create  index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([email])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([domainid])
create  index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([loginid])
create  index [domain_or_ip] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([domain_or_ip])
create  index [tablename] on [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo]([tablename])
create  index [domainid] on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings]([domainid])
create unique index [domainname] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains]([domainname])
alter table [dbo].[tblbl_domains] add constraint [fktblbl_domains] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] add constraint [fktblbl_emailsfrom] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] add constraint [fktblbl_emailsto] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblbl_maps] add constraint [fktblbl_maps] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] add constraint [fktblbl_keywords] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] add constraint [fktblbl_attachments] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] add constraint [fktblbl_surbl] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblbl_ips] add constraint [fktblbl_ips] foreign key ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] add constraint [fktblbl_honeypotemails] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] add constraint [fktblbl_honeypotblockedips] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] add constraint [fktblwl_authorizedtoemails] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] add constraint [fktblwl_keywords] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] add constraint [fktblwl_emailsfrom] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] add constraint [fktblwl_emailsto] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] add constraint [fktblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade
alter table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] add constraint [fktblwl_domainsips] foreign key  ( [domainid] )
    references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade

******* Error:There is already an object named 'tblbl_domains' in the database

insert into tbl_localdomains (domainname) values (' ALL DOMAINS');

******* Error:Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.tbl_localdomains' with unique index 'domainname'

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_au]
on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_ai]
on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_ad]
on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_bd' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_bd];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_bd]
on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains]
for delete
declare @domainname varchar(255)
select @domainname = domainname from deleted
if @domainname = ' ALL DOMAINS'
 raiserror('unable to delete system record for "all domains"', 16, 1)

******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_bd' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_au]
on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai]
on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad]
on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_au]
on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_ai]
on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_ad]
on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_au]
on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_ai]
on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_ad]
on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_au]
on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_ai]
on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_ad]
on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_au]
on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_ai]
on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_ad]
on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au]
on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai]
on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad]
on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_au]
on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_ai]
on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_ad]
on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_au]
on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_ai]
on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_ad]
on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_au]
on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_ai]
on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_ad]
on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_au]
on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_ai]
on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_ad]
on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_au]
on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_ai]
on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_ad]
on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_au]
on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_ai]
on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_ad]
on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_au]
on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_ai]
on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_ad]
on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_au]
on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_ai]
on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_ad]
on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_au]
on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_ai]
on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_ad]
on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_au]
on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_ai]
on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_ad]
on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_au]
on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai]
on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad]
on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_au];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_au]
on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings]
after update as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_au' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_ai];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_ai]
on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings]
for insert as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from inserted ins
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ai' in the database

-- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_ad];
-- go
create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_ad]
on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings]
after delete as
 insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from deleted del
   where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = tablename))

******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'tblbl_domains' in the database

Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.tbl_localdomains' with unique index 'domainname'

There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_bd' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad' in the database

There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_au' in the database

There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ai' in the database

There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ad' in the database
Retrieved ServerID from tblServers: 1

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote LogSat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 19 June 2007 at 9:48pm

The errors in the above log are normal and appear because tables in the database exist already.

If there were delivery problems to your server, most of the times they will be logged in SpamFilter's activity logfile. If you can take note of the time of when you attempt to (unsuccessfully) send an email via the web interface, please zip and email us the 5 minutes prior and after that time of SpamFilter's activity logfile. We'll take a look and try to find out what happened.
Roberto Franceschetti

LogSat Software

Spam Filter ISP
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