Acces violation after upgrade to Enterprise |
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Newbie Joined: 04 July 2007 Location: Italy Status: Offline Points: 38 |
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Posted: 17 March 2008 at 12:36pm |
Upgraded from .772 ISP to Enterprise simply trough new activation, upgrade db tables and restart.
the log reports a lot of error:
42.937 -- (3240) Connection from: - Originating country : Bahamas
03/17/08 -- (3240) Received MAIL FROM: <> 03/17/08 -- (3240) Received RCPT TO: xxx.xxxxx 03/17/08 -- (3240) Exception occurred during TestForReject: Access violation at address 006485F2 in module 'SpamFilterSvc.exe'. Read of address 0000009C
03/17/08 -- (3240) Exception occurred during RECEIVEMESSAGE: Critical error - FilterObject is nil 03/17/08 -- (3240) Disconnect Suggestion?
Admin Group Joined: 25 January 2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 4104 |
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The errors indicate possible problems with setting up the necessary tables and triggers used by the Enterprise upgrade. What version of Microsoft SQL Server or MySQL are you using? In the "Settings - Enterprise / Standard Version" tab, when you click on the "Create / Check Database tables" button, there will be a log of the update progress in the small log window on that tab. Can you please post its content? |
Newbie Joined: 04 July 2007 Location: Italy Status: Offline Points: 38 |
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here comes the create/check database tables:
please wait... Some Enterprise Database tables not found - recreating... ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_domains') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_domains] create table [dbo].[tblbl_domains] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [domainname] varchar(255), constraint [pk_tblbl_domains_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_emailsfrom') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] create table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblbl_emailsfrom_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_emailsto') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] create table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblbl_emailsto_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_maps') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_maps] create table [dbo].[tblbl_maps] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [server] varchar(255), [reverseip] bit default 1, constraint [pk_tblbl_maps_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_keywords') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] create table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [keywords] varchar(1024), constraint [pk_tblbl_keywords_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_attachments') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] create table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [attachments] varchar(1024), constraint [pk_tblbl_attachments_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_surbl') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] create table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [server] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblbl_surbl_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_ips') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_ips] create table [dbo].[tblbl_ips] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [ip] varchar(15), constraint [pk_tblbl_ips_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_honeypotemails') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] create table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblbl_honeypotemails_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] create table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [ip] varchar(15), constraint [pk_tblbl_honeypotblockedips_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_countries') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_countries] create table [dbo].[tblbl_countries] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [countrycode] varchar(2), constraint [pk_tblbl_countries_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] create table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblwl_authorizedtoemails_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_keywords') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] create table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [keywords] varchar(1024), constraint [pk_tblwl_keywords_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_emailsfrom') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] create table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblwl_emailsfrom_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_emailsto') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] create table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblwl_emailsto_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] create table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [email] varchar(320), constraint [pk_tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_domainsips') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] create table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [loginid] int default 0, [domain_or_ip] varchar(255), constraint [pk_tblwl_domainsips_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblreloadtableinfo') drop table [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo] create table [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [tablename] varchar(45), [updatetable] bit default 1, constraint [pk_tblreloadtableinfo_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tbl_filtersettings') drop table [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] create table [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainid] int default 0, [bl_domainsforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_emailsfromforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_emailstoforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_countriesforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_mapsforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_keywordsforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_attachmentsforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_surblforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_ipsforcedelete] bit default 0, [bl_honeypotemailsforcedelete] bit default 0, [rejectnoreverseforcedelete] bit default 0, [rejectnomxforcedelete] bit default 0, [spffilterenableforcedelete] bit default 0, [rejectemptymailfromforcedelete] bit default 0, [rejectsametofromdomainforcedelete] bit default 0, [rejectsametofromforcedelete] bit default 0, [sfdbforcedelete] bit default 0, [maxrcpt_toforcedelete] bit default 0, [authorizedtoforcedelete] bit default 0, [antivirusforcedelete] bit default 0, [imageforcedelete] bit default 0, [surblforcedelete] bit default 0, [bayesianfilterenable] bit default 1, [bayesianforcedelete] bit default 0, [spffilterenable] bit default 1, [spfneutralfilter] bit default 0, [spfsoftfailfilter] bit default 1, [spffailfilter] bit default 1, [allowpercent] bit default 0, [tagspam] bit default 0, [tagspamsubject] bit default 0, [tagspamandquarantine] bit default 0, [rejectnoreverse] bit default 1, [rejectnomx] bit default 1, [rejectemptymailfrom] bit default 0, [rejectsametofrom] bit default 0, [rejectsametofromdomain] bit default 0, [enableipcacheblacklist] bit default 1, [autowhitelistforcedeliveryenabled] bit default 1, [minmaps] int default 1, [maxsubjectspaces] int default 10, [spamimagethreshold] int default 10, [sfdb_networkreliability] int default 3, [sfdb_filtersall] bit default 1, [sfdb_filterslist] varchar(255), constraint [pk_tbl_filtersettings_id] primary key ([id]), ) -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tbl_localdomains') drop table [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] create table [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] int not null identity, [domainname] varchar(255), [destsmtpserver] varchar(255), [destsmtpserverport] int, [usedefaults] bit not null default 1, constraint [pk_tbl_localdomains_id] primary key ([id]), ) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([loginid]) create index [domainname] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([domainname]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([loginid]) create index [server] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([server]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]([loginid]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]([loginid]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([loginid]) create index [server] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([server]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([loginid]) create index [ip] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([ip]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([loginid]) create index [ip] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([ip]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([loginid]) create index [countrycode] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([countrycode]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]([loginid]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([loginid]) create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([email]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([domainid]) create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([loginid]) create index [domain_or_ip] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([domain_or_ip]) create index [tablename] on [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo]([tablename]) create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings]([domainid]) create unique index [domainname] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains]([domainname]) alter table [dbo].[tblbl_domains] add constraint [fktblbl_domains] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] add constraint [fktblbl_emailsfrom] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] add constraint [fktblbl_emailsto] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_maps] add constraint [fktblbl_maps] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] add constraint [fktblbl_keywords] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] add constraint [fktblbl_attachments] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] add constraint [fktblbl_surbl] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_ips] add constraint [fktblbl_ips] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] add constraint [fktblbl_honeypotemails] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] add constraint [fktblbl_honeypotblockedips] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] add constraint [fktblwl_authorizedtoemails] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] add constraint [fktblwl_keywords] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] add constraint [fktblwl_emailsfrom] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] add constraint [fktblwl_emailsto] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] add constraint [fktblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade alter table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] add constraint [fktblwl_domainsips] foreign key ( [domainid] ) references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tblbl_domains' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:36:531 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:36:546 -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_domains') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_domains] -- create table [dbo].[tblbl_domains] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [domainname] varchar(255), -- constraint [pk_tblbl_domains_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_emailsfrom') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] -- create table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [email] varchar(320), -- constraint [pk_tblbl_emailsfrom_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_emailsto') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] -- create table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [email] varchar(320), -- constraint [pk_tblbl_emailsto_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_maps') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_maps] -- create table [dbo].[tblbl_maps] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [server] varchar(255), -- [reverseip] bit default 1, -- constraint [pk_tblbl_maps_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_keywords') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] -- create table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [keywords] varchar(1024), -- constraint [pk_tblbl_keywords_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_attachments') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] -- create table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [attachments] varchar(1024), -- constraint [pk_tblbl_attachments_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_surbl') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] -- create table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [server] varchar(320), -- constraint [pk_tblbl_surbl_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_ips') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_ips] -- create table [dbo].[tblbl_ips] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [ip] varchar(15), -- constraint [pk_tblbl_ips_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_honeypotemails') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] -- create table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [email] varchar(320), -- constraint [pk_tblbl_honeypotemails_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] -- create table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [ip] varchar(15), -- constraint [pk_tblbl_honeypotblockedips_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblbl_countries') drop table [dbo].[tblbl_countries] -- create table [dbo].[tblbl_countries] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [countrycode] varchar(2), -- constraint [pk_tblbl_countries_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] -- create table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [email] varchar(320), -- constraint [pk_tblwl_authorizedtoemails_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_keywords') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] -- create table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [keywords] varchar(1024), -- constraint [pk_tblwl_keywords_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_emailsfrom') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] -- create table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [email] varchar(320), -- constraint [pk_tblwl_emailsfrom_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_emailsto') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] -- create table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [email] varchar(320), -- constraint [pk_tblwl_emailsto_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] -- create table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [email] varchar(320), -- constraint [pk_tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblwl_domainsips') drop table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] -- create table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [loginid] int default 0, -- [domain_or_ip] varchar(255), -- constraint [pk_tblwl_domainsips_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tblreloadtableinfo') drop table [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo] -- create table [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [tablename] varchar(45), -- [updatetable] bit default 1, -- constraint [pk_tblreloadtableinfo_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tbl_filtersettings') drop table [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] -- create table [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainid] int default 0, -- [bl_domainsforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [bl_emailsfromforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [bl_emailstoforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [bl_countriesforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [bl_mapsforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [bl_keywordsforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [bl_attachmentsforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [bl_surblforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [bl_ipsforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [bl_honeypotemailsforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [rejectnoreverseforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [rejectnomxforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [spffilterenableforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [rejectemptymailfromforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [rejectsametofromdomainforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [rejectsametofromforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [sfdbforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [maxrcpt_toforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [authorizedtoforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [antivirusforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [imageforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [surblforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [bayesianfilterenable] bit default 1, -- [bayesianforcedelete] bit default 0, -- [spffilterenable] bit default 1, -- [spfneutralfilter] bit default 0, -- [spfsoftfailfilter] bit default 1, -- [spffailfilter] bit default 1, -- [allowpercent] bit default 0, -- [tagspam] bit default 0, -- [tagspamsubject] bit default 0, -- [tagspamandquarantine] bit default 0, -- [rejectnoreverse] bit default 1, -- [rejectnomx] bit default 1, -- [rejectemptymailfrom] bit default 0, -- [rejectsametofrom] bit default 0, -- [rejectsametofromdomain] bit default 0, -- [enableipcacheblacklist] bit default 1, -- [autowhitelistforcedeliveryenabled] bit default 1, -- [minmaps] int default 1, -- [maxsubjectspaces] int default 10, -- [spamimagethreshold] int default 10, -- [sfdb_networkreliability] int default 3, -- [sfdb_filtersall] bit default 1, -- [sfdb_filterslist] varchar(255), -- constraint [pk_tbl_filtersettings_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tbl_localdomains') drop table [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] -- create table [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( -- [id] int not null identity, -- [domainname] varchar(255), -- [destsmtpserver] varchar(255), -- [destsmtpserverport] int, -- [usedefaults] bit not null default 1, -- constraint [pk_tbl_localdomains_id] primary key ([id]), -- ) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([loginid]) -- create index [domainname] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains]([domainname]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([loginid]) -- create index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom]([email]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([loginid]) -- create index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto]([email]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([loginid]) -- create index [server] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps]([server]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords]([loginid]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments]([loginid]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([loginid]) -- create index [server] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl]([server]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([loginid]) -- create index [ip] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips]([ip]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([loginid]) -- create index [email] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails]([email]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([loginid]) -- create index [ip] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips]([ip]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([loginid]) -- create index [countrycode] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries]([countrycode]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([loginid]) -- create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails]([email]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords]([loginid]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([loginid]) -- create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom]([email]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([loginid]) -- create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto]([email]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([loginid]) -- create index [email] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery]([email]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([domainid]) -- create index [loginid] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([loginid]) -- create index [domain_or_ip] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips]([domain_or_ip]) -- create index [tablename] on [dbo].[tblreloadtableinfo]([tablename]) -- create index [domainid] on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings]([domainid]) -- create unique index [domainname] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains]([domainname]) -- alter table [dbo].[tblbl_domains] add constraint [fktblbl_domains] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] add constraint [fktblbl_emailsfrom] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] add constraint [fktblbl_emailsto] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblbl_maps] add constraint [fktblbl_maps] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] add constraint [fktblbl_keywords] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] add constraint [fktblbl_attachments] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] add constraint [fktblbl_surbl] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblbl_ips] add constraint [fktblbl_ips] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] add constraint [fktblbl_honeypotemails] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] add constraint [fktblbl_honeypotblockedips] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] add constraint [fktblwl_authorizedtoemails] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] add constraint [fktblwl_keywords] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] add constraint [fktblwl_emailsfrom] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] add constraint [fktblwl_emailsto] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] add constraint [fktblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- alter table [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] add constraint [fktblwl_domainsips] foreign key ( [domainid] ) -- references [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] ( [id] ) on delete cascade -- 04-15-08 22:51:36:625 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tblbl_domains' in the database ===========Executing:============ insert into tbl_localdomains (domainname) values (' ALL DOMAINS');
******* Error:Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UseDefaults', table 'spamfilter2.dbo.tbl_LocalDomains'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails
04-15-08 22:51:36:640 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:36:640 -- -- insert into tbl_localdomains (domainname) values (' ALL DOMAINS'); -- 04-15-08 22:51:36:703 -- ******* Error:Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UseDefaults', table 'spamfilter2.dbo.tbl_LocalDomains'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_au] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = 'tbl_localdomains')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:36:703 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:36:703 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_au] -- on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = 'tbl_localdomains')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:36:718 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_ai] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = 'tbl_localdomains')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:36:734 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:36:734 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_ai] -- on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = 'tbl_localdomains')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:36:750 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_ad] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = 'tbl_localdomains')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:36:765 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:36:765 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_ad] -- on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select, 1, 'tbl_localdomains' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = and (r.tablename = 'tbl_localdomains')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:36:781 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_bd' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_bd];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_bd] on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] for delete as declare @domainname varchar(255) select @domainname = domainname from deleted if @domainname = ' ALL DOMAINS' begin raiserror('unable to delete system record for "all domains"', 16, 1) end ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_bd' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:36:781 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:36:781 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_localdomains_bd' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_localdomains_bd]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[tr_localdomains_bd] -- on [dbo].[tbl_localdomains] -- for delete -- as -- declare @domainname varchar(255) -- select @domainname = domainname from deleted -- if @domainname = ' ALL DOMAINS' -- begin -- raiserror('unable to delete system record for "all domains"', 16, 1) -- end -- 04-15-08 22:51:36:812 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_bd' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:36:828 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:36:843 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_au] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:36:859 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:36:859 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:36:859 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:36:890 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:36:890 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:36:890 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_authorizedtoemails] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_authorizedtoemails')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:36:937 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_keywords')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:36:953 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:36:953 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_au] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_keywords')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:36:968 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_keywords')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:36:984 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:000 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_keywords')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:015 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_keywords')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:031 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:031 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_keywords_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_keywords_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_keywords_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_keywords] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_keywords' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_keywords')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:046 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsfrom')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:046 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:093 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_au] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsfrom')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:109 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsfrom')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:140 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:140 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsfrom')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:156 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsfrom')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:171 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:171 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsfrom_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsfrom_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsfrom_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsfrom] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsfrom' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsfrom')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:187 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsto')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:203 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:218 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_au] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsto')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:250 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsto')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:250 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:250 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsto')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:281 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsto')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:281 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:281 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_emailsto_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_emailsto_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_emailsto_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_emailsto] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_emailsto' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_emailsto')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:296 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_domainsips')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:328 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:328 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_au] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_domainsips')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:343 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_domainsips')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:359 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:359 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_domainsips')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:609 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_domainsips')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:656 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:656 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_domainsips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_domainsips_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_domainsips_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_domainsips] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_domainsips' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_domainsips')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:671 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:671 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:671 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:703 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:703 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:703 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:750 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad] on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:781 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:781 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:796 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_domains')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:796 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:796 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_au] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_domains] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_domains')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:812 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_domains')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:828 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:843 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_domains] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_domains')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:859 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_domains] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_domains')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:875 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:875 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_domains_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_domains_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_domains_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_domains] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_domains' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_domains')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:906 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsfrom')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:906 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:921 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_au] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsfrom')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:937 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsfrom')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:937 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:37:953 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsfrom')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:37:968 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsfrom')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:37:984 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:000 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsfrom_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsfrom_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsfrom_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsfrom] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsfrom' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsfrom')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:015 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsto')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:031 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:031 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_au] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsto')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:046 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsto')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:046 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:046 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsto')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:093 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsto')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:109 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:109 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_emailsto_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_emailsto_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_emailsto_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_emailsto] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_emailsto' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_emailsto')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:125 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_countries')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:125 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:156 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_au] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_countries] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_countries')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:156 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_countries')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:171 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:187 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_countries] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_countries')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:218 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_countries] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_countries')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:218 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:218 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_countries_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_countries_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_countries_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_countries] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_countries' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_countries')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:250 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_maps')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:250 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:250 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_au] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_maps] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_maps')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:281 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_maps')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:296 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:296 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_maps] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_maps')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:312 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_maps] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_maps')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:312 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:328 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_maps_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_maps_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_maps_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_maps] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_maps' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_maps')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:343 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_keywords')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:359 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:375 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_au] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_keywords')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:406 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_keywords')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:406 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:421 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_keywords')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:437 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_keywords')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:437 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:437 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_keywords_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_keywords_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_keywords_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_keywords] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_keywords' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_keywords')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:484 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_attachments')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:484 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:484 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_au] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_attachments')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:531 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_attachments')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:531 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:531 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_attachments')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:546 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_attachments')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:562 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:578 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_attachments_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_attachments_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_attachments_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_attachments] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_attachments' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_attachments')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:593 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_surbl')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:593 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:593 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_au] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_surbl')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:609 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_surbl')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:625 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:625 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_surbl')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:640 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_surbl')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:656 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:656 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_surbl_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_surbl_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_surbl_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_surbl] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_surbl' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_surbl')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:671 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_ips')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:703 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:703 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_au] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_ips] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_ips')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:718 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_ips')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:734 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:734 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_ips] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_ips')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:750 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_ips] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_ips')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:750 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:750 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_ips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_ips_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_ips_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_ips] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_ips' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_ips')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:781 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotemails')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:796 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:796 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_au] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotemails')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:812 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotemails')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:828 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:828 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotemails')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:843 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotemails')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:859 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:859 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotemails_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotemails_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotemails_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotemails] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotemails' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotemails')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:875 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_au] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:875 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:875 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_au] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:906 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:906 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:921 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:937 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad] on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:937 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:937 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad] -- on [dbo].[tblbl_honeypotblockedips] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tblbl_honeypotblockedips')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:38:968 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_au];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_au] on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] after update as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tbl_filtersettings')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_au' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:38:968 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:38:968 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_au' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_au]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_au] -- on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] -- after update as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tbl_filtersettings')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:39:000 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_au' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_ai];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_ai] on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] for insert as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from inserted ins where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tbl_filtersettings')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ai' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:39:046 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:39:046 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_ai' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_ai]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_ai] -- on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] -- for insert as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select ins.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from inserted ins -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = ins.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tbl_filtersettings')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:39:062 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ai' in the database ===========Executing:============ -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_ad];
-- go create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_ad] on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] after delete as insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from deleted del where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tbl_filtersettings')) ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ad' in the database
04-15-08 22:51:39:078 -- ===========Executing:============ 04-15-08 22:51:39:078 -- -- -- if exists (select * from sysobjects where name = 'tr_filtersettings_ad' and type = 'tr') drop trigger[tr_filtersettings_ad]; -- -- go -- create trigger [dbo].[tr_filtersettings_ad] -- on [dbo].[tbl_filtersettings] -- after delete as -- insert into tblreloadtableinfo (domainid, updatetable, tablename) select del.domainid, 1, 'tbl_filtersettings' from deleted del -- where not exists (select * from tblreloadtableinfo r where (r.domainid = del.domainid) and (r.tablename = 'tbl_filtersettings')) -- 04-15-08 22:51:39:109 -- ******* Error:There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ad' in the database There is already an object named 'tblbl_domains' in the database Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UseDefaults', table 'spamfilter2.dbo.tbl_LocalDomains'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails
There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_localdomains_bd' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_authorizedtoemails_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_keywords_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_emailsto_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_domainsips_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trwl_autowhitelistforcedelivery_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_domains_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsfrom_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_emailsto_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_countries_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_maps_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_keywords_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_attachments_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_surbl_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_ips_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotemails_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'trbl_honeypotblockedips_ad' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_au' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ai' in the database
There is already an object named 'tr_filtersettings_ad' in the database
Retrieved ServerID from tblServers: 1 Done. |
Admin Group Joined: 25 January 2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 4104 |
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From the log we can see that the database platform is microsoft SQL Server, but you have not provided us the version of SQL you are using. Can you please let us know what version that is? In any case, the log shows that triggers and tables appear to have been created correctly. If possible, are you able to check the box that says "Drop Enterprise tables if they exist" and then click on the "Create / Check Database tables" again, and re-post the results? PLEASE NOTE THAT DOING THIS WILL ERASE ALL TABLES AND THE DATA THEY CONTAIN. If you can do the above step, it will help greatly in troubleshooting. In any case, whether you're able to complete that step or not, can you please zip and email us one of SpamFilter's activity logfiles for a day this error happened, along with your SpamFilter.ini file, and the entire \SpamFilter\Domains directory tree structure? |
Newbie Joined: 04 July 2007 Location: Italy Status: Offline Points: 38 |
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We can't operate as you suggested since the db and sf are in production environment.
To speed up the troubleshooting could you suggest what a configuration can generate such an error? Missing Tables? if yes, which tables could be missed?
here a log part with the error on two differente thread:
04/16/08 -- (3476) Exception occurred during TestForReject: Access violation at address 006485F2 in module 'SpamFilterSvc.exe'. Read of address 0000009C
04/16/08 -- (160) Exception occurred during RECEIVEMESSAGE: Critical error - FilterObject is nil We will send you the .ini file by mail.
Admin Group Joined: 25 January 2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 4104 |
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Without looking at your logfile and the \SpamFilter\Domains directory tree structure, at the moment we have no idea of what could be causing this. While we received your SpamFilter.ini file, without the logs and all the configuration files in those directories we won't be able to help. In addition, if you can please stop and restart SpamFilter before zipping the day's logfile, that restart will generate additional information in the logs that can help further in finding the problem. |
Newbie Joined: 04 July 2007 Location: Italy Status: Offline Points: 38 |
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ok i've sent:
- log file
- domains dir tree
- ini file
thank you
Admin Group Joined: 25 January 2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 4104 |
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We still have not received your email. I will sent you a PM with the information for our FTP site so you can upload the data there. |
Newbie Joined: 04 July 2007 Location: Italy Status: Offline Points: 38 |
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ok, done: you'll find "Domains" and "Log" up there. .INI is already in your hands.
Thank you
Admin Group Joined: 25 January 2005 Location: United States Status: Offline Points: 4104 |
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From your files we see that, in the directory \SpamFilter\Domains, you do not have the subdirectory for the " ALL DOMAINS" (note the space before the "ALL"). The " ALL DOMAINS" is a special domain that *must* exist in the tbl_LocalDomain table. That record is created when the tables are created. We even created a trigger in that table that raises an error when users try to delete that record via their database tools... but if an admin wants to delete it they eventually will find a way :-) The " ALL DOMAINS" is used as a catch-all by SpamFilter, so that SpamFilter knows what domains it is responsible for, which ones should be handled with their default settings, and for which ones it must reject the connection as it is an attempt to use SpamFilter as an open relay. Without this entry, SpamFilter will not know how to handle relay attempts, and will thus have huge problems and may indeed crash. In your case, for example, one of the exceptions occurs right after: 04-17-08 04:02:08:562 -- (2732) Received RCPT TO: which is an attempt to relay emails to which is not one of your domains. I'm not sure how the " ALL DOMAINS" was deleted from your tbl_localdomains table, but this is causing you all sorts of problems. You should be able to add the domain manually in the tbl_localdomains. Please make sure you also add the leading space in front of " ALL DOMAINS", this is IMPERATIVE. |
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