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Ongoing Quarantine Issues with Mysql Database

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morten44 View Drop Down

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    Posted: 24 June 2008 at 7:15pm
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Running Windows 2000 Server
Spamfilter ISP version
MySQL 5.0
We have an issue where after running fine for about 14 days, suddenly it can not deliver anything to the the quarantine database, and when that happens, it stops deliver any vailid mails as well. The only way we can get it to work again is to disable mysql database and then it works.
Its strange becasue mysql connection within ISP is showing Database active and if you do save and test it says connection OK, but still not working.
When its down, it seems like all valid mails goes to temp files, and when we get the ISP back up it will deliver.
The way we got quarantene to work again last time was to update to latest version of ISP.
Today I got it back to work by setting Database to "0". left it like this for 6 hours.
Then i wanted to put it back to our default 5. It froze, I had to restart and now it works again.
Now I want to monitor the situation day by day as I do expect it to happen again.
I would like to understand some consept of temp files and quaranine so I understand better what is happening. Can anyone explain the following 
1. In c:\program files\spamfilter\quaranitne, I have about 200MB of .tmp files.
What are they? Can they be deleted after some time?
2.In log file I often see:
06/24/08 00:00:21:062 -- (5660) Adding to Quarantine file:QrtnA02CD642-84BA-4435-A9AD-DB75AB650104.tmp
Is this normal that it shoud do this every time it moves a quarantined file to the mysql database. Is this a physical file that is saved somewhere?
3. When it stops saving in Mysql quarantine database I see this in logfile:
06/24/08 00:00:21:062 -- (5660) Adding to Quarantine file:QrtnA02CD642-84BA-4435-A9AD-DB75AB650104.tmp
06/24/08 00:00:21:062 -- (5660) Error - Unable to add email to quarantine - too many updates pending - archival queued
At this state mysql is running so I dont know why I suddenly get this. It will now fail every time its sending to quarantene.
What does "archival queued" means. Will it move it to quarantene again when a connection is established successfully to Mysql? Is this queue saved somewhere in the program folder
4.When I manage to restart ISP and spamfilter quarantene is working again i see:
06-24-08 18:19:41:468 -- (12456) Connection from:  -  Originating country : India
06-24-08 18:19:41:500 -- (1716) Received MAIL FROM: <>
06-24-08 18:19:41:531 -- (4032) Adding to Quarantine file:Qrtn14CDCA8B-2A40-4E5A-8620-0E07F60EC0F5.tmp.queued
06-24-08 18:19:41:546 -- (6644) Adding to Quarantine file:Qrtn1A432B06-A548-4E94-875A-0E4A8B799D14.tmp.queued
06-24-08 18:19:41:562 -- (12312) Adding to Quarantine file:Qrtn1A4B2479-14EE-400D-80E7-535BAED80F9C.tmp.queued
06-24-08 18:19:41:578 -- (11692) Adding to Quarantine file:Qrtn1A504C94-EBC3-497D-B36E-415A415F74ED.tmp.queued
06-24-08 18:19:41:593 -- (11892) Adding to Quarantine file:Qrtn1A51355E-D926-425B-9389-C8287F1631CC.tmp.queued
06-24-08 18:19:41:609 -- (5664) Adding to Quarantine file:Qrtn1A51C3FD-BD93-498B-B89A-2A394B05B34D.tmp.queued
06-24-08 18:19:41:625 -- (7920) Adding to Quarantine file:Qrtn1A530C15-CD5E-4897-847E-D585D350C772.tmp.queued
And it goes on for several pages. Is this all the queued files that did not go to quarantene when the database was down that now are sent to the database?
I wanted to also send you some logfiles from the day that all went down. not sending valid mail to customer and not sending anyting to quarantine, but i cant open log file for that day. It is 998MB big (normal around 60MB) so freezing every time.
Hope you can answer the question above so I understand a little more about the .tmp and temp files in program folder.
Kind Regards
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