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Running spamweb on Apache/Linux with SpamFilter on Win2K

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    Posted: 20 August 2003 at 8:15pm

I have SpamFilter, mySQL quarantine and web access running on Win2K. I would like to move the web access off of IIS and on to our main Apache / Linux web server, as this is the only IIS-based web app that we run. The plan is to leave the filter and quarantine db on Win2K. Several questions:

1. the php/linux version of web access is missing an authentication routine. Is this intended, or is there likely something wrong with the version that I downloaded (back when it was first released)? Is it expected that auth is handled through Apache's user access controls instead?

2. how do I "point" the spam web site to the mySQL database on the Win2K mail server? I am using ODBC on the mail server, and have installed same on the Linux box. I'm not familiar enough with ODBC or making connections between win and linux to know how to proceed. Can anyone offer guidance?

3. I've set up the spam web access site under Apache and reloaded my config. As there's no auth routine and no default that performs the redirect as on the windows version, I point Apache to index.php as the document root. When I access the site I get a text display of the contents of the index.php file. Obviously I am missing something, but I'm unclear as to what. All of my other sites are html, and this is the only php site. I suspect that I'm missing a module in my Apache config, or that my mod_perl is not working - am researching, but if anyone recognizes the problem off hand, any pointers would be appreciated.


Robert Shelton

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