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Initial Enquiry

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Mark Donne View Drop Down
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    Posted: 30 November 2005 at 2:04pm

Hi There,

I thought I would post this question on the forum as I feel it may be relevant to other potential users of your Anti Spam software.

We are a Hosting Company looking to replace our current Anti Spam offering with something a little more "configurable" for our end users. We are not massive but we do host in excess of 200 domains with some being very high on the email use.

Our current choice of platform is Linux, even though we are more comfortable with Microsoft Windows, as we feel the stability of Linux speaks for itself in terms of uptime (never had to reboot our mail server since day 1).

My questions are these:

1. How configurable is the system for our end users?
i.e. Can they maintain their own white/black lists and do things like adjust their "spam score" per domain or user.  What, if any, other options can the users set to customize their anti spam system?

2. How stable have your users found the system running under a Windows environment. Before you all flame me, let me make it clear that I am not saying your software is unstable but rather from experience I know that Windows Programs tend to need "rebooting" now and again to get them going when a problem occurs.

3. Have there been any tests on load bearing or email throughput or can any of your users comment on their current usages?

4. We would look to run this software on its own server so the choice of OS is not important to us. Is there a preferred OS choice and if so, what would be the ideal hardware for it (i.e. is RAM more important than CPU or vice a versa).

The software does sound excellent, but from our point of view we need to be clear how the end user is going to “interact” with the system and not feel that we are giving them a “1 rule fits all” scenario.

Thank you in advance for your reply.

PS. On another note, I read somewhere on your forum that you were thinking about changing it to be a pre-registered forum. From my perspective looking in, it is nice to see an “open forum” where people can say whatever they wish but more importantly seeing the reaction from your customers defending you as a company and your products. You cannot get better PR than that!

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