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High Memory Consumption

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Lucifer Sam View Drop Down
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    Posted: 10 June 2003 at 3:10pm

I'm testing spam filter on my mail server but I'm having a incredible consumption of memory.

Why is this happening?

We have an HP Net Server LH Pro with two pentium pro processors and 256MB


Lucifer Sam

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote LogSat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 10 June 2003 at 7:29pm

Can you please let us know what version of SpamFilter you are using, what you mean by "incredible consumption" (how many MB...), and what amount of traffic is SpamFilter handling in email/day or concurrent connections at any second?

The busiest server we've seen SpamFilter on is a server that handles about 1 million emails/day, with about 100-300 concurrent incoming connections at any given second. With that load, the SpamFilter process was using on average 30% processor time, and had a memory footprint of about 30-60MB of RAM.

As a comparison, our own production server is an old P400 with 128MB of RAM, SpamFilter on it handles in total comfort about 15,000 emails/day using about 20-30MB of RAM.

Roberto Francesceschetti
LogSat Software


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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Desperado Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 June 2003 at 8:08am


Can you define "incredible consumption of memory"?  I have a somewhat high volume server and seem to fluctuate from 80 to 110 MB.  I don't know if this is high but it didn't raise any concerns when I checked it.  Now, since you only have 256MB, 100 MB would have a huge impact on you system performance. Also, running a P-Pro, the proscesses running will be slower to finish their tasks and so the perceived memory usage may be higher than I am experiencing.  I am running a Quad PIII 500 with 2GB of ram but am also running 3 mail servers on that machine so I may not see the same issues that you are.  Can you come back with some numbers?

Dan S.

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Lucifer Sam View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Lucifer Sam Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 11 June 2003 at 2:00pm


I'm using the Spam Filter version

I´ve about 200-220K messages per day and about 40-50 simultaneous connections and the memory use raises about 220 MB Ram

We have an HP Net Server LH Pro with two pentium pro processors and 256MB.


Lucifer Sam


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Pagliarini View Drop Down
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I´ve about 150-200 simultaneous connections, and not 40-50 like Lucifer Sam told you!

I'm Luciano, partner of the 'Lucifer Sam' (Henrique, why you have used this nick name? you are crazy? heheheh :-)

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote LogSat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 12 June 2003 at 12:40pm

Ciao Luciano,

I'm not sure if I should answer in english or in italian, so I'll go with the flow...

When we worked on a production server that had about 200-300 concurrent connections a few months ago, RAM usage was fairly low, in the order of the 50-60MB. Back then we did not have a lot of the fancy features we have now, so it's reasonable that memory use is higher, since all those 200 emails are being kept in memory while they are being processed to scan them for several things. A usage of 2-300MB in these cases may be normal. Can you please let us know how many SpamFilter threads are running when you have 150-200 connections (Task Manager, View-Select Columns - Thread Count)?

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

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Pagliarini View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Pagliarini Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13 June 2003 at 11:45am

I do not have the exact number of the treads at moment, but I suspect that the memory is the key!

You have noticied that we have purchase the registered version? (

I have instaled the new version and get the error in log:

06/12/03 17:24:49:188 -- (146) Exception occurred during RECEIVEMESSAGE: Out of memory

after, in the log a lot of msg's like:

06/12/03 17:24:49:488 -- (268) Exception occurred during RECEIVEMESSAGE: Access violation at address 0047C0B2 in module 'SpamFilter.exe'. Read of address 00000000

We do more test now, trying to put one more machine and Round-robin DNS. This is possible or we have to purchase one more license?

And, one more thing, how we can use the feature ini parameter for max msg size above which no keyword scan is done? I havn't found this option in .ini file!

Thanks for the help and good work

Luciano Pagliarini

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote LogSat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13 June 2003 at 12:17pm


Are you using the beta release or the latest registered version ( I ask because we have another customer who is experiencing the same Access Violations with the beta. We were able to reproduce some of them, and have a new build that addresses that problem. We are testing it, and so far so good. We may release the updated beta tonite. If you would like to try it before, you can find the executables at

The entry for the max msg size is in the [server settings] section and is the following:


For licensing, each production server running SpamFilter needs a separate license. So if you're round-robin-ing with two servers, you'll need two licenses.

Roberto Franceschetti
LogSat Software

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