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Mass dictionary spamming

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Alan View Drop Down
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    Posted: 07 June 2004 at 12:07pm

I have been experiencing a large quantity of dictionary spamming with spam sent in large batches to random names at <random>@<>.  Each comes in batches of 50 random recipients and each recipient generates a:

557 You exceeded then maximum number of RCPT TO. Disconnecting...

I thought that this should be producing only one entry for the original spam in the quarantine.  Why is it producing one entry for every recipient? 

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LogSat View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote LogSat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 07 June 2004 at 10:48pm


It was a technical decision made to improve performance. Your suggestion was actually our 1st implementation... But...

If 50 users receive the same spam message, and only one of those users decides to force-delivery of that message to his mailbox, things can get tricky. If we only stored (for storage capacity optimization) only one copy of the message that was linked to all 50 recipients, we'd need to keep pointers and counters so that the message does not get deleted until ALL 50 users have passed their retension period, and that it does not get deleted if any of those users either force deletion or  force delivery of that message. This is all very possible to implement, but requires more database query overhead. The greatest concern was performing database cleanup routines, where the expired messages are deleted from the database. Having to keep track of the above pointers/keys in the database was greatly reducing SQL performance during massive delete operations, so we opted to split the messages, one for each users. It resulted in more space consumption, but there was a huge performance gain. We opted for the latter, and chose performance over higher disk useage.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software

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Alan View Drop Down
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Ok.  Given a choice I would elect to go with better performance too.

I am curious, would this skew the Bayesian database as tokens would get a score 50 times of what they would normally?

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote LogSat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 08 June 2004 at 9:59pm

Nothing would change on the Bayesian side of the story since we're only changing how the information is stored in the database. That data is not related to the way Bayesian tokens are extracted and saved.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software


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Alan View Drop Down
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Also Roberto, by using this method am I correct that any spam of this nature with a virus payload would cause any anti-virus software to have to scan 50 emails instead of just one?  I have a feeling this is what seems to be causing problems with our AV software (McAfee NetShield) when we are sent a bunch of these types of virus-born emails and each explodes into 50.
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LogSat View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote LogSat Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 09 June 2004 at 10:56pm

That would not be correct.

Emails with multiple recipients can arrive in 3 ways. Assume an email to one recipient and 2 carbon copies. In all cases the email body and email headers will be exactly the same. Please note that it is in the headers that you find the To: and CC: headers that cause the email clients to display the To and CC labels.

  1. The sender's SMTP server connects to SpamFilter, sends a RCPT TO command for the TO address, sends the email headers/body. Disconnects.
    The remote server reconnects again to SpamFilter, sends a RCPT TO command for the 1st CC address, sends the email headers/body. Disconnects.
    The remote server reconnects again for the 3rd time to SpamFilter, sends a RCPT TO command for the 2st CC address, sends the email headers/body. Disconnects.
  2. The sender's SMTP server connects to SpamFilter, sends a RCPT TO command for the TO address, sends the email headers/body. The sender then issues a RSET command to start over without disconnecting. The remote server then sends a RCPT TO command for the 1st CC address, sends the email headers/body. Then it agains sends a RSET. The remote again sends a RCPT TO command for the 2st CC address, sends the email headers/body. Disconnects.
  3. The sender's SMTP server connects to SpamFilter, it issues consecutively a RCPT TO command for the TO address, then another RCPT TO for the 1st CC, then another RCPT TO for the 2nd CC. It then sends ONCE the email headers/body, disconnects.

Of course you'll say "why in the world doesn't everyone use option 3 since it takes up the less bandwidth and resources?". Well... if there's an answer to that we sure have no idea what it would be... But unfortunately there's providers (even very large ones) who still use  1 and 2. And of course they will generate a full message and a file to scan for each CC. To SpamFilter, 1 and 2 will look like completely independend emails since they were sent us such.

Again, all we're doing is that when a "smart" sender uses option 3, we're simply splitting the message up and storing a copy in the database for each recipient. We're not caching extra "files" on the disk since that would slow down the A/V.

Roberto F.
LogSat Software


We are simply

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fdickey View Drop Down
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You may want to go through your logs and see if anyone is smtp flooding you if you are experiencing significant loads on your mail server.  We had an issue that even showed up in the source country pie chart statistics where a single ip hit us over 2500 times during a 2-hour period and it actually caused spamfilter to crash and burn with exception errors because of the excessive flooding.

After rebooting the server, we had to ban the IP by setting our firewall to drop all packets from that particular source IP.  We've had to do that before with other IP's that were constantly hitting us, though not quite so frequently.

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Andy View Drop Down
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I think we need a way of specifying maximum number of AuthTo errors from one IP and disconnecting. Some of our customers are on mailing list where every member of the domain gets a email, all from the same mail server at one time (because its more efficient). We have had to bump up our Max RCPT up to 30 to prevent those on mailing lists from getting stuff rejected.

This still lets the the dictionary harvestors keep plugging away at least 30 times before getting stopped by Spamfilter.

We need a tarpit mechanism where excessive failures of AuthTo from one IP be disconnetc for x minutes.




557 You exceeded then maximum number of RCPT TO

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Raymond Indust. Inc. View Drop Down
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Hi there. I have just starting a little non-profit (college grants and genealogy) and the internet is the way to go because of the amount of data I will be posting on a website. I hate spamming as much as the next guy, but as a new company, I need to cover the greatest amount of territory in the shortest amount of time to generate customers. I have already harvesting about 2,000 email addresses (legally according to the Feds!) but I will need to generate at least 250 times as many leads to ensure viability? What can a novice do without being annoying?
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Marco View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Marco Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: 13 July 2006 at 7:40am

Obtaining adresses without knowing anything of the people who own the adresses will result in you spamming people.

Sending advertisements 'blindly' will get you blacklisted, since a percentage of people will have no need whatsoever for your product and will declare it spam. If enough people receive your 'spam', a blacklist is unavoidable, non-profit or not. Software like spamfilter ISP exist because of the sheer amount of garbage that lands on our digital doorsteps and this is exactly what it tries (an succeeds) to eradicate. I would suggest you look for other methods of reaching your market, doing it by blind mass mailing (i assume this since you say you need half a million adresses or more) will only guarantee one thing; your ip blocked.

Because e-mail is for free, and because it reaches millions of people with no effort at all, it is beeing abused. The good suffer because of the bad.

Sorry if i sound harsh, it's not my intention, but you need to know the risks when sending these amounts of e-mails, however noble your product may be, a percentage of people will regard it spam, and with these numbers of mails even a low percentage WILL get you blacklisted.


Edited by Marco
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